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Generated at: 05:39:21 06/01/12
    - [SearchStrings]

SearchStrings (17 / 17) [show full report]
#Hits%Search String
1925.00biblical timeline chart
3411.11dna cell
425.56the steps of protein synthesis - transcr...
525.56liz claiborne atheist
625.56dna replication at biochemical level
725.56ftsi coli
812.78focus on the family and christian myths
912.78criteria for god's evidence
1012.78principles to guide the christian voter
1212.78molecular factories center
1312.78molecual factories
1412.78cells as a factory
1512.78christian voting
1612.78thomas jefferson -- "no power to proscri...
1712.78factory and cells
#Search String

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