The Owner's Manual


Prior to the modern electronic era, the written word was the only means to accurately preserve and spread one’s thoughts for future generations.  Books then are the logical place to look for words from our Creator.  It is only logical that He would somehow make His writings distinguishable from the immense amount of other writing available.  Some of the ways He could and did make His writings special are that they:


 Contain science ahead of mankind actually discovering it8, as well as being immune from including well accepted philosophies and principles that were in error and pervasive within the cultures of the writers.


 Contain 100% accurate prophecy.9


Record history accurately.10  This is especially amazing when you consider the passionate effort of intellectual greats that have tried to find error within His Book.


To a degree beyond human capacity, be very complex, yet holistic and without error, especially remarkable in the manner in which His book was created by using 40 writers over many years, cultures, and nations.  Some additional special aspects include using very mundane men as extraordinary spokesmen whose remarkable writings were often abnormally brief about extraordinary events and people, and at times inexplicably contrary to accepted falsehoods within the author’s cultures.11


Our Creator used humble and authentic writers to speak His Truth vs. the founders of most religions.  These writers had nothing to gain from their manuscripts; in fact, they were typically persecuted and often included embarrassing self portrayals of themselves.  Yet these same men were willing to die just for stating the truth that they themselves knew to be true.  To explain away, would require a totally irrational amount of commitment and complicity that has never been documented elsewhere.


Contain hidden and multiple layers of insights for those willing to spend the time to research and reason through.12


That His Book and the specific culture, language, nation, and lineages utilized to tell His Truth through, have supernaturally endured, even when zealous rulers mandated their destruction.13


Be able to positively affect the lives of those that take His words to heart, even the most decadent.14


A perfectly trustworthy person who knows, said so.


Being easily translatable and relevant to all cultures for over 2000 years.

Indeed there is a book, and only one book, that meets these requirements.  No other book even comes close.  Not surprisingly, this book is also the most accurately transcribed book of ancient literature, with more and better preserved copies by over an order of magnitude over other ancient books.15

How was our Creator able to create this book through men?  Considering He created the Universe and the writers, I’m sure He is able to get the writers to record His divine inspiration properly.  He also helped control circumstances to ensure the preservation of His writings and their selection as from Him.16  He did this in part by endorsing many of His writers with the ability to perform miracles in His name.17

Now that we have discovered our Creator’s book, what does this owner’s manual have to say about those big initial questions:


What is our Creator like?


What is our Creator’s overall plan?


How does mankind fit into His plan?


What does He expect from each of us?

Are you ready for some of His Real Answers ……?




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