Now say you came across a similar machine, one even more complicated; one with all the basic components of the Terminator, but also capable of self replication and repair. One made out of 60 trillion modules all originating from one module, with each module composed of around a trillion atoms worth of complex subsystems. This machine would be an remarkable invention that is obviously beyond our current technology and intelligence. I now need you to have an open mind for this next concept, that you become prepared to look past any preconceptions you may have. The machine I just described is the human body. Yes, the vast complexity that resides within you.
But this flies in the face of evolutional theory! Yes it does, but keep in mind we are on a quest for Real Truth, and so far we have not violated any basic principle of logic2. To come at a more comprehensive understanding about the creation of life, let us examine what science, facts, and evidence have to say about life at the molecular level.