Life Under The Microscope
Bio-molecular coding can provide some key answers to two core questions about life:
Applying probability, science has concluded that the odds of the simplest DNA structure being created in any primordial soup is ........... zilch3. Yes, science has determined that “Chance” could not have created the simplest DNA structure even given 15 billion years and all the potential primordial soups in the universe. Just like a good computer program, the DNA software is worthless without a complete hardware system. The odds of this amazing cellular hardware system forming by chance is ......... zilch4. When one sees two incredibly ordered structures integrated together (cellular hardware and DNA programming), one is exponentially forced to conclude that this system was created by someone of exceptional brilliance. How different is the coding between different kinds of species? Science has shown that many different kinds of species have much the same programming. However, even though these differences seem small, the differences amount to pages worth of information. Just like computer programming, the different subroutines are functionally worthless unless the complete code gets inserted all at once. The odds of pages worth of gene mutations occurring in one generation are .......... zilch5. Adding to this impossibility is that unfavorable mutations are also occurring, which will lead to information getting lost faster than evolution could add information to the DNA. Applying this knowledge to the DNA pages worth of DNA differences between mankind and apes, mankind had to be intentionally created from any other kind of species. Everything so far leads us to an unavoidable conclusion that .............. |