
The most important focus of prayer is to build your relationship with God.  Prayer is your two-way conversation with God.  It is the most intimate relationship with the Creator you can have.  In prayer, the depths of your spirit are in communion with the depths of the Spirit of God.  Out of this can come instruction, guidance, and suggestions for new focal points in your prayers.

Accordingly, when people speak of having a "prayer life" they should realize that prayer is not just a feature of spiritual life but the thing that keeps spiritual life going.  In prayer, you are talking to your Father-God in heaven, thanking Him, praising Him, blessing Him, loving Him, and asking His help for others and yourself in times of need.  Meanwhile, He desires to speak love and encouragement to you.  But sometimes it's hard to know that God hears your prayers or that you can really hear His replies.

When asking for things, remember God is like a good father.  He will not spoil you, and He will push you to grow.  This may include trials and tests that only God understands, but through your faith, you know God is refining you to increase your worth.

Another key principle of prayer was demonstrated by the life of Nehemiah: to pray like everything depends on prayer, but to take action like God has answered your prayers.  The caveat of this is that our timetable needs to be aligned with God's.

So further your relationship today, and pray.  Below are two styles of prayer, along with are some web sites providing further examples and insights into prayer.

Example of Prayer Elements (Praise, Thanks, Repent, Forgiveness, Petitions, Protection)
You can pray at any time and place, just pray from your heart with conviction and truth!
Oh heavenly Father,
I thank you for ................. [THANKS]
I praise your holiness and .................... [PRAISE]
I repent of my sins, specifically ...................... Please forgive my transgressions and help me to not repeat. [FROM REPENTANCE COMES FORGIVENESS]
Just as you forgive me, I FORGIVE those that have sinned against me, specifically ...............
I need your love, strength, and wisdom.  Please help me ............. [PETITIONS FOR SELF]
Please help our political and religious leaders, those in spiritual need, my family, and friends in sickness, specifically .................... [PETITIONS FOR OTHERS]
Protect my family and myself from the Devil and his deceptions [PROTECTION]
Above all, let all things contribute to your eternal glory, [PROPER FOCUS
And let not my will but Thy will be done, [PROPER ORIENTATION]
Through Jesus, my Lord & Savior I pray, [ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF YOUR ALIGNMENT WITH GOD]


Example of Prayer Conversation


Find a quiet place where you will not be bothered.


Have a Bible.


Be ready with a list of issues you desire to talk to God about.


Start your prayer by desiring fellowship with and inviting God.


Begin your conversation, and let God speak to and guide you through the Bible and the Holy Spirit.


Prayer Web Sites

Prayer-Fast Guide How to Pray Pray Effectively Fasting The Lord's Prayer

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