concepts are deep and difficult, but worthwhile to digest.
Our Creator’s plan is perfect, but the plan only makes sense if we take
the time to consider and think through aspects that we can only know through
Real Faith. Real Faith is not a
blind faith, but a rational faith only on unverifiable things from a trusted
source. A trusted source established
from what can be known and reasoned: for example, getting directions from a
policeman or Now knowing about our Creator being perfectly good and just, and that a Heaven and Hell exist, some aspects of His Plan start to make sense. Justice and rewards not dealt with in this life, can be dealt with in the afterlife. Another major piece of understanding is to comprehend that many of the difficult choices and hardships in our life are not only consequences of our Creator giving us free will, but are also opportunities to improve our character, opportunities that we will not have in Heaven. Now with other positions from our Creator’s book that we might initially take issue, we need to be careful and humble ourselves. None of us are smart enough to properly consider all the ramifications, relationships, and long term effects, of alternative propositions that we may think may be better than our Creator’s plans. Our default position needs to be: to understand and trust in our Creator’s ways first before jumping to any conclusion that He may be wrong. Remember, He is smart enough to create this universe and life. Our Real Faith is held in the highest regard by our Creator, so make it one of your top priorities to build. Real Faith requires you to be discerning, otherwise your strong beliefs might be based on falsehoods. Real Faith requires you to be disciplined and deliberate, as your own desires and the ways of the world will often tempt you to live in ways inconsistent with your faith. Finally, building your faith is a process that is never truly finished. Faith is Discerning, Disciplined, Deliberate, Doing, and Developed.
Now that we have cleared a few elephants from this room of understanding, let us now find out just what our Creator is like, (besides being perfect), ................... |