Just For Fun - Christian Sayings, Jokes and PuzzlesWhale 1: Upset Stomach? Whale 2: Nah, Jonah's renovating again. - God loves you. -- How do you know? - Because He loves me. -- Yeah, I guess if He loves you, He can love anybody. At the other end of the table was a large tray of chocolate cookies with a hastily scribbled sign which read: 'Take as many cookies as you want. God is back there watching the apples!' Hobbes: A religion? Calvin: Yeah. All these equations are like miracles. You take two numbers and when you add them, they magically become one NEW number! No one can say how it happens. You either believe it or you don't. [Pointing at his math book] This whole book is full of things that have to be accepted on faith! It's a religion! Hobbes: And in the public schools no less. Call a lawyer. Calvin: [Looking at his homework] As a math athiest, I should be excused from this. Charlie Brown: I'd like to see a little more margin for error. Because they both come at the end of Lent. To make sure the Good News would be spread sooner. Life's hard; pray harder! You can negotiate with a terrorist. GamblingThe lottery is a tax on the mathematically disadvantaged.The Bible According to Golfers, Fishermen and Other of God's CreaturesA Golfer's Psalm 23: Make my ball to lie down in green pastures, not in still waters.Jesus said: I am coming soon.God's soon and our soon are not the same soon. Penny Pinching PeopleWhen it comes to giving, he'll stop at nothing.How Many Books are in the Bible?OLD TESTAMENT:How many letters are in the word OLD? 3 How many letters are in the word TESTAMENT? 9 There are 39 books in the Old Testament. NEW TESTAMENT: Note: This mnemonic works for the Protestant version of the Old Testament. The Catholic version has 7 books, Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, and Baruch, that are missing from the Protestant version. We love Bells in Church!Hemingway: Ask not for whom thePalindromesA palindrome is a word or sentence that is spelled the same forwards and backwards.What did Adam name his newly created wife: Eve. And when he first saw his newly created wife, what did he say to her? "Madam, I'm Adam." AnagramsAn anagram is a word whose letters can be rearranged to spell other word(s), for example steal, teals, tales, stale, lates, slate.The words that are used to create the anagram are in italics. However I have noticed that some browsers do not display italics. So I have also put those words between double slashes: //. Pontius Pilate says to Jesus: What is truth? How well her name an //Army // doth present, Answer: The Virgin //Mary. // //It's in Charity. // Riddles and PuzzlesThe man said to his wife: "You're my sister!" Who is he? (Book of Genesis)Answer Answer Who is this? J -- ah Answer Marriage vow: I promise to love, honor and cherish you as long as we both shall live. Answer For Mathematicians, Physicists, Chemists, Computer Scientists etc.One MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a very difficult school) student to another:First Student: I wonder where we go when we die? Second Student: MIT? First Student: You mean if we're good or if we're bad? Angel: Now what are You going to do? God: Call it a day! But others insist this cannot be so, as every pope has a successor. Odd and even created He them, and He said unto them be fruitful and multiply; and He commanded them to keep the laws of induction. Because OCT 31 = DEC 25. Hint: OCTal, DECimal It takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple. Hint: While he was living, Isaac Azimov was an athiest and believed in evolution. He died recently .... I like the PI-ous one the best. log-alog, log-alog, log-alog He answered, 'Yes, up to isomorphism.' Father: 'No son; it wouldn't be right.' Son: 'Well, at least you could try.' Because the div school is right next to the grad school. Secant, and ye shall find. Hint: A Mobius strip is a closed loop that has only one side. To make a Mobius strip, take a long thin strip of paper. Assume it is black on one side and white on the other. Bring the two ends together, but before you tape the ends, turn one end over so that you tape the black side of one end to the white side of the other end. Now start drawing a line along the strip. You will find that you can draw a line, starting at the black/white junction, all the way around the strip, covering both the black and white sides, and come back to where you started without crossing the edge. A strip, joined the normal way, with the outside white and the inside black has two sides. If you start at the junction and trace along the white side, you cannot get to the black side without crossing over the edge. Thought the Mobius Band was divine. Said he, "If you glue The edges of two You get a weird bottle like mine." Decimals make a point. Einstein was ahead of his time. Lobachevski was out of line. There once was a breathy baboon Hint: Part of the claims of evolutionism is that given enough time, molecules are arranged to create life. Computed the square of infinity. But it gave him the fidgets To put down the digits, So he dropped math and took up divinity. A: It really doesn't matter, since they'd rather knot. Bethlehem: 5^2 - 4/.4 - SQRT(16) miles Hint: 25 - 10 - 4 = 11 miles It can be covered with a finite number of closed sets. Heisenberg MAY have worshipped here. Hint: Heisenberg discovered, postulated the uncertainty principle. Godel can't PROVE he was here. Descartes THOUGHT he was here. I find it exceedingly odd, That the willow oak tree Continues to be, When there's no one about in the Quad." "Dear Sir, your astonishment's odd, God said, "Let Newton be," and all was light. It did not last; the devil howling "Ho! Christmas Poem for Computer Scientistsbetter !pout !crybetter watchout lpr why santa claus < north pole > town cat /etc/passwd > list who | grep sleeping Creation RevisitedOn the 7th day, God exited append mode.Nursery tale: Frog -> Prince (t=instantaneous) On the other hand... If God had had a secretary, He could have made the world by Thursday and then taken a 3 day weekend! 'Of course, I'd like to evolve into something better, but what could that possibly be?' 'I'll tell you something else I think. I think there are other bowls somewhere out there with intelligent life just like ours.' Answer CreationThe architect did not agree. He said, "But if you look at the Garden itself, in the beginning there was chaos and void, and out of that, the Garden and the world were created. So God must have been an architect." The computer scientist, who had listened to all of this said, "Yes, but where do you think the chaos came from?" Answer: The chicken. Gen 1:20: And God said, "let the water bring forth abundantly the moving creatures that have life and fowl that fly above the earth." Then He said, "I can do better than that!" And He created Woman. 'Who would like to do the first problem, addition?' No one raised their hand. She called on Tommy, and with some help he finally got it right. 'Who would like to do the second problem, subtraction?' Students hid their faces. She called on Mark, who got the problem but there was some suspicion his girlfriend Lisa whispered it to him. 'Who would like to do the third problem, division?' Now a low collective groan could be heard as everyone looked at nothing in particular. The teacher called on Suzy, who got it right (she has been known to hold back sometimes in front of her friends). 'Who would like to do the last problem, multiplication?' Tim's hand shot up, surprising everyone in the room. Mrs. Johnson finally gained her composure in the stunned silence. 'Why the enthusiasm, Tim?' 'God said to go fourth and multiply!' Noah and the ArkNoah, after the flood subsided, opened the doors of the Ark and released the animals. All living things rushed to freedom, except two snakes who lingered in a corner. "Why don't you go forth and multiply?" asked Noah."We can't," sighed the snakes. "We're adders!" The snakes respond that they don't understand how this will help them to procreate. Noah explains: "Well, even adders can multiply using log tables!" Moses and the Ten CommandmentsPicture of Moses holding the 10 Commandments:Frankly, no, they're NOT just a rough draft. Same scene: Why there are only 10 Commandments: A recent study in Washington DC showed that 50% of students steal from one another Maybe they should put a sign on the wall: Thou shalt not steal. Other Christian Cartoon Sites
Anagram AnswersIt's in Charity = Christianitybest in prayer = Presbyterians no more stars = astronomers moon-starers = astronomers real fun = funeral I hire parsons = Parishioners Nay, I repent it = penitentiary evil fast = festival Golden Land = Old England Erin lad = Ireland evil's agents = evangelists Hear Dante! Oh, beware yon open hell = Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. a grim era = marriage groan = organ Riddle AnswersHis wife is also his sister: Abraham (Genesis 19 and "But indeed she is truly my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife." Genesis 20:12)Lot's elder daughter to her son Moab, the father of the Moabites OR Lot's younger daughter to her son Benammi, the founder of the Ammonites. (Genesis 19:30-38) Another woman (Tamar) said to her twin sons (Perez and Zerah), "My husband (Er) is your brother. My father-in-law (Judah) is your father. I was married twice (to Er and Onan) but your father (Judah) is not my husband. And one of you (Perez) is an ancestor of the Messiah." (Genesis 38)
J -- = Jonah (Jo on ah ) ah Change "as long as ye both shall live" to love. |