Christian Beliefs

Essential Beliefs of Christians

  1. That we are all sinners.
  2. That you cannot get into Heaven by your own works,
  3. but only by God’s Grace.
  4. God’s Grace, (salvation), is that you will go to Heaven if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, let Jesus into your life, and repent of your sins.
    1. Believing in Jesus means accepting that Jesus is:
      1. Part of the Trinity of God, (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), thus was / is / shall be: 
        1. Perfect and all knowing.
        2. Ruler of all.
        3. Creator of all.
      2. He is the conduit via which believers, who are all imperfect, can receive God’s Salvation.
      3. That he lived ~2000 years ago and brought salvation to the world and died for our sins.
    2. Letting Jesus into your life means:
      1. Letting the Holy Spirit guide your life.
        1. God has a plan and is in control even if evil appears to thrive around us. God is the master strategist that can even turn bad deeds unwittingly into good.
        2. Letting the Holy Spirit guide your life will often make your life more challenging. You need to realize that no matter what happens, God is guiding you in the most effective way to your sanctification, fulfilling God’s Plan, and for your works to bring glory to God; e.g. the glory of the teachings of Apostle Paul partially brought about through his hardships.
        3. Joy is yours to be had by knowing that you will be going to Heaven and that your works, as imperfect as they may be, are now part of God’s Plan and to God’s greater glory. The warmth of Jesus’ love is but for you to ask for and receive. A great example is the joy that the Apostle Paul felt even through all his hardships and persecution.
      2. Letting Jesus help lead your battles in dealing with your past, present, and future sins.
        1. Know that even though you will still make mistakes and that Satan may try to cause doubt and win you back, Jesus will protect your soul.
      3. Proceeding down the path to be more like Jesus, (sanctification). This means doing your best to:
        1. Understand and live in God’s ways.
        2. Bring God’s Salvation to others.
        3. Glorify God.
    3. Repenting of your sins means to recognize your inherent sinful nature and specific sins, to turn away from those sins and turn to God.  God will then forgive your sins and put those sins behind you.

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