That you
have a soul worth is now being validated scientifically.
Medical science has recently confirmed you have a consciousness separate
from your body in that:
No stimulus to the brain can make you believe or decide anything.
Stimuli to the brain can cause memories to play back or muscles to
contract; however, these are perceived by the patients as external to their
conscious “self”.
Evidence from near death experiences denote conscious activity
even during period of no brain activity; however, the amount of data is limited.
Certain experiments have shown that consciousness of a specific
event is delayed from the signals being registered in the brain.
argument for the existence of your soul can be made from two compelling lines of
You have free will. Your
brain consists of nothing but matter, and for a given system of matter and
conditions, has no options or free will; therefore, something separate from your
physical brain must “cause” your free will: your soul.
Most of the molecules in your change out every couple of weeks.
You would cease to be you, (you would be someone different), if there was
no soul that provides continuity and remains “you” while your brain is
constantly changing.
For further details and support of these points, check out the following links: