Buried Alive


BURIED ALIVE: The Truth About Neanderthal Man

With Dr. Jack Cuozzo


Dr. Jack Cuozzo, an orthodontist who has done extensive research on Neanderthal man as part of his study of the growth and development of children's teeth and jaws, and author of the book, Buried Alive, which documents his findings.


Evolution is crumbling as more and more evidence is found that leads scientists to conclude that there cannot be such marvelous design without a Designer. Sadly, some evolutionists are so committed to the theory that they'll do anything to-advance it—even to the point of tampering with the evidence! That's what Dr. Jack Cuozzo found when his study of the development of teeth and jaws in children and his conversion to Christianity led him to explore the actual fossils of evolution's so-called "missing link"—Neanderthal Man.

His startling findings confirm again that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Ps. 139:14), and that the Genesis account of man's creation and fall is backed by concrete evidence that can convince all but the most biased evolutionist. And of course, that's why Dr. Cuozzo began to encounter so many roadblocks in his research and why it will be under such heavy attack as more evolutionists learn of it. Christians need to be aware of this evidence, because it so powerfully strengthens their faith hi the Scriptures. Even more Importantly, children need to know what Dr. Cuozzo has found in order to refute the monopolistic evolutionary teaching that permeates our public schools and textbooks.


Neanderthal Evidence. In his dental practice, Dr. Cuozzo noticed that children were maturing faster and faster as the years went by. When he became a Christian he learned that when mankind fell as a result of sin, everything around man fell at the same time. This progressive fall could explain the evidence he was seeing in children. Genesis 1-11 talks about the patriarchs living for hundreds of years, but over time mankind's life span has decreased to its present length—and it continues to decrease because of the fall.

While modem medical technology has caused a slight increase from our recent past, we see no one reaching ages between 500 and 1,000 years, as are chronicled in the Bible. These facts make it clear that if our life span is decreasing, children must mature sooner in order to live die majority of their lives as adults. Was there evidence of this hi the existing fossil record? That's what Dr. Cuozzo determined to find out. Neanderthal fossils are the most plentiful hi the world; therefore they make a good choice for study. The more subjects you study, the more decisively any existing trends will be revealed.


While some may scoff at the studies of an orthodontist in the hallowed halls of evolutionists and paleontologists, they would be mistaken. His normal orthodontic practice causes him to daily use equipment and procedures that are vital to this study. And since technology has progressed to the point of providing portable x-ray machines, he was more than prepared to go "on the road" to the actual museum and cave sites in Europe that held the evidence he needed.

Fossils Must Be Fossils. One thing he found was that while many of (he classic examples of evolutionary "missing links" are called fossils, they are not fossilized! A certain percentage of the bone should be composed of stone and minerals, but x-rays showed that this was not the case. In fact, there was very little fossilization of the bones at all, which means they weren't very old! »

Our Heads Are Still Growing. Neanderthals are characterized by what we would consider very strange-looking heads, with large brow ridges, very forward faces, huge nasal and eye openings, protrusion of the teeth, and , flatness of the chin. This has always been attributed to their supposed ape-like characteristics, because they were thought to be the "missing links" between men and apes.

But modern studies on aging reveal that the bones in the face and head never stop growing. And while our bones don't grow in length, they do increase in thickness. That's why our hat size continues to change. These studies on aging reveal that the older we get, the more our faces begin to look like those of Neanderthal man. And the most accurate assumption that can be made about these' strange-looking skeletons that aren't old enough to be fossilized is that they had been alive long enough for their bones to change into those shapes—they are skeletons of patriarchs who lived hundreds of years, but have only been dead thousands of years, not millions!

Better Prototypes. The evidence shows that, contrary to evolutionary teaching, our Neanderthal forefathers were actually more physically advanced than we are today. Their teeth could repair themselves, their saliva was stronger, and their eyes were better. This last discovery reveals why the evolutionary scientists who control the "prehistoric" cave paintings in France often make it so difficult for people to view them.

They have found paintings so beautiful and so precise that experts can't read or decipher them without a powerful magnifying glass, yet they were created in extremely dark caves with only firelight to guide them. In addition, because there is little evidence of smoke on the paintings, they evidently didn't use a great deal of that, either. Their bones do show distortions; however, it's not a result of rickets or syphilis, as evolutionists claim. They suffered the same results of old age that we do—arthritis being the most common.

Deceptive "Evidence." The question is, why don't we hear about this evidence? And the answer is that apparently some evolutionary scientists have distorted it, either knowingly or unknowingly, to fit their evolutionary presuppositions. The first skull Dr. Cuozzo studied was that of a child, Pech de 1'Aze. The published evidence indicated that the skull was larger and more ape-like, because the jaw was out of occlusion—or didn't fit properly. However, when the actual skull was studied and x-rayed, they found that it was a simple matter to put the jaw in place. This revealed that the face was very small and immature—evidence that this was a skull from someone who matured slowly because of a very long life span.


Clearly, the evidence had been "adjusted" to match the expectations of the researchers. Dr. Cuozzo found the same kind of tampering with the famous La Chapelle-aux-Saints skull and jaw. Not only that, but once scientific officials realized what he had found, they tried to block further research and take the x-ray evidence from him. In fact, he and his family had a difficult time getting safely out of the country once his findings became known.

Reactions. Of course, the evolutionary scientific community wants to suppress this kind of evidence because it will open the door to a much more open approach to origins— hopefully with a more balanced presentation of theories in our public schools. Children must know that science and the Bible are not at odds with each other, but that the more evidence we find, when it is studied without evolutionary bias, the more it supports creationism. We must not allow this truth to be suppressed.


1. Know the truth about evolutionary evidence. There are many honest researchers who would never attempt to tamper with the evidence, but there are also some who would. Dr. Cuozzo's book is a fascinating story of intrigue, deception, and final victory for the truth. This is important information to share with your children and with all those who are overwhelmed by the claims of evolution. It is not a fact, and this information helps reveal one of the reasons why it has become so widely accepted.

2. Speak up for the truth. Share this with others. The media and evolutionary science will not share it, so we must! Provide a copy of Dr. Cuozzo's book for your school, public, and church libraries, and make sure your children's science teachers are aware of this important research. Don't let antibiblical forces win by default because too few Christians fight for the truth.


Dr. Jack Cuozzo
c/o Dianna Fletcher
Master Books
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